Dear Collectors
It has come to our attention that there have been multiple products appearing online that bear a strong resemblance to our recent 1:64 Nissan GT-R Liberty Walk models. We have seen these products showing up in multiple channels in recent weeks, including online communities and on third party marketplaces, and this has caused some confusion among our collectors as to whether or not these are MINI GT models.
We are thrilled that there are new companies joining the 1:64 collecting community, but we would like to take this opportunity to clarify for all collectors that we have no relationship with these new products. Please note that MINI GT is wholly owned by TSM-Model and at this time we do not have any cooperation or relation with other 1:64 scale companies that are releasing any Nissan GT-R Liberty Walk models.
Starting in March 2019 our future releases will feature a security hologram on our packaging to help collectors identify that they are purchasing a legitimate MINI GT model produced by our company.
We greatly appreciate the support of our collectors worldwide, and encourage anyone to contact us directly for product verification before purchase.
最近網路上出現了多項與本品牌1:64日產GT-R Liberty Walk模型非常相似的產品。有些不肖商家使用曖昧不清的文字來暗示這些產品在某種程度上跟MINI GT的產品有關聯,例如使用本公司的模具,協力廠商共享相同的資料,或是使用我方的零件等等。這些產品持續出現在多個銷售渠道包括網路商家,社群媒體和線上拍賣平台。這個現象引起了不少收藏家們的困惑並且紛紛詢問如何判定這些產品的真偽以及如何分辨。
我們很高興有新公司加入1:64模型市場,代表這個市場正蓬勃發展並受到收藏家重視。但我們想藉此機會向所有收藏家澄清,我們與這些新產品沒有任何關係。MINI GT品牌由TSM-Model擁有,不但是經過日本Liberty Walk的正式授權,也是Liberty Walk 1/64原廠模型的主力供應商。目前我們與其他1:64品牌或是模型公司沒有任何合作或關係。 從2019年3月開始,MINI GT產品包裝上將會貼上鐳射防偽貼紙,以幫助收藏家辨識購買本公司正版的MINI GT產品。
我們非常感謝全球收藏家的支持,若有任何辨識MINI GT正版商品的疑問,歡迎與我們聯繫。